Empowering Communities Through Humanity, Charity, and Conservation

Envisions a world where every individual, regardless of background, enjoys the full spectrum of human rights, access to education, and the opportunity to thrive.


Global Reach, Local Impact

We believe in transforming lives by addressing immediate needs and fostering sustainable change. Our charity initiatives are carefully curated to touch the hearts of those facing adversity, emphasizing education, healthcare, and basic welfare.

rumah ngaji

Rumah Ngaji

Rumah Ngaji, forging a path towards a brighter future, we are committed to breaking barriers by offering education and essential welfare to 600 Asnaf and stateless children.


Qurban & Hugs

In collaboration with Rumah Ngaji specifically dedicated to Hari Raya Qurban. The primary objective is to facilitate the distribution of qurban meat to the asnaf in Lahad Datu while simultaneously supporting local farmers.

Eco Tourism & Biodiversity

Initiative a unique blend of adventure, conservation, and compassion. We making a positive impact on the local tourism industry, all while supporting our charitable endeavors. 


Latest News & Activities

Discover the latest milestones, success stories, and upcoming initiatives that showcase our commitment to positive change.

HUGS PROJECT & RUMAH NGAJI akan berkongsi isu Kemanusian yg...
PROFILE RINGKAS Nama Volunteer: Memet Muin Aktif Bersama HUGS PROJECT:...
Anak Yatim Piatu 7 Beradik
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah..... Bulan ini genaplah 2 tahun 2 bulan...
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Welcome to Hugs Project Malaysia

A beacon of hope and transformation that began its impactful journey in 2006 amidst the lush landscapes of Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia.

HUGS, an acronym for “Helping Unfortunate Groups & Society,” is not just a project; it’s a movement, a collective of dedicated individuals committed to fostering HUMANITY, CHARITY, COMMUNITY, and CONSERVATION through tourism activities in Malaysia.

HUGS PROJECT, serves as the bridge connecting compassionate souls to existing organizations and initiatives across Malaysia. By seamlessly linking volunteers and contributors to hands-on service opportunities, we create a dynamic environment where positive impacts thrive. Our mission is clear: supporting long-standing local initiatives that contribute to the holistic development of Malaysia.

Our Vision

"Empowering Lives, Enriching Communities"

HUGS PROJECT envisions a world where every individual, regardless of background, enjoys the full spectrum of human rights, access to education, and the opportunity to thrive. Our vision is a global community united in compassion, where sustainable development and social justice form the bedrock of a harmonious and inclusive society.

Our Mission

We committed to being a driving force for positive change, uplifting lives, and leaving an enduring legacy of compassion and empowerment.

Humanity in Action

Foster a culture of empathy, understanding, and shared humanity, transcending borders and barriers.

Charity with Purpose

Channel resources and efforts towards charitable initiatives that address pressing societal needs, emphasizing education, healthcare, and basic welfare.

Community Building

Promote community-driven development by actively involving local communities in our projects.

Positive Impact Advocacy

Raise awareness about the impact of positive action and inspire others to join the movement.

Conservation for a Sustainable Future

Advocate and contribute to conservation efforts that preserve our environment and biodiversity.